Health & Safety

Ensuring the health and safety of both our animals and people involved is our top priority. We strictly adhere to comprehensive health and safety guidelines to provide a secure environment for everyone involved. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

Hand Washing and Hygiene

To comply with our health and safety guidelines, we strongly recommend that no food be given or displayed until hand washing has been done at the end of Living Things services and experiences.

We always carry anti-bacterial hand gel, but it is essential to have hand washing facilities available. We emphasise the importance of hand washing when handling animals, and clear instructions are provided to all at the beginning and end of our services.

Protecting Against Disease

The health and welfare of our animals are of utmost importance, and we also take steps to protect the health of individuals handling our animals. It is a fact that all animals, including pets, can carry diseases that can be transferred to people. The safest way to protect against disease is by taking hygienic precautions, including thorough hand washing with hot running water and soap after handling animals. While hand gels can be helpful, they should not be considered a substitute for proper hand washing, as they do not remove contamination or kill all potential disease-causing agents.


Guidance for Parents and Children


Parents should assist young children with hand washing, and children should be discouraged from putting their fingers in their mouths or eyes after handling animals. We understand that children may be particularly excited to interact with our animals, and we aim to create a safe environment while educating them about responsible animal handling. We recommend that parents assist their children in handling the animals to ensure both the child’s safety and the well-being of the animals. Our trained staff members are also available to offer guidance and assistance throughout the interaction.

Animal-Specific Considerations

Depending on the animal being presented, we provide specific information on how to approach and handle them safely. For instance, we may explain that certain animals prefer to be petted gently, while others may be more comfortable with observation from a distance. We also highlight any specific behaviours or characteristics of the animals that visitors should be aware of.

Specific Considerations for Reptiles

Reptiles, in particular, can carry Salmonella bacteria. While the risks are generally low, it’s important to be aware of this possibility. If you are unwell and have been in contact with animals, always seek advice from medical professionals. We take thorough health checks for all our animals, ensuring the well-being of our animals, handlers, and all involved.

Welfare briefs

Before allowing interactions with our animals, we prioritise their safety and the well-being of our animals by providing welfare briefs to all. These briefings are designed to educate and inform everyone involved about responsible and respectful behaviour when interacting with animals. Here’s an overview of what our welfare briefs entail:

  1. Introduction to Animal Welfare:
    We begin by emphasising the importance of animal welfare and the ethical considerations associated with interacting with animals. We explain that our primary goal is to ensure the animals’ well-being while providing an educational and enjoyable experience for all.
  2. We provide clear guidelines on how to interact with the animals in a safe and respectful manner. This includes instructing on how to approach the animals gently and quietly, avoiding sudden movements or loud noises that may startle them. We emphasise the importance of not poking, prodding, or grabbing the animals, as it can cause stress and discomfort.
  3. Hand Washing and Hygiene:
    We stress the significance of hand washing both before and after interacting with the animals. Proper hand washing helps prevent the spread of potential diseases and ensures the well-being of both participants and animals. We provide information on the location of hand washing facilities and remind participants to thoroughly wash their hands with hot water and soap.
  4. Supervision and assistance may be required for younger participants

By providing welfare briefs before animal interactions, we strive to create a safe and respectful environment for both our animals and those interacting with our animals. These briefings promote responsible behaviour, hygiene practices, and an understanding of the animals’ well-being. We believe that by fostering this awareness, participants can have an enjoyable and educational experience while respecting the welfare of the animals in our care.

Years of Experience and Professionalism

We have accumulated many years of experience in handling animals. Our team of experienced professionals understand the nuances of working with different species and is trained to ensure the safety and well-being of both animals and humans. We will always highlight potential dangers associated with handling certain animals, so we encourage you to listen carefully to the advice provided by the Living Things team.

Your safety and the welfare of our animals are our primary concerns. By following proper hygiene practices and providing clear instructions, we aim to create a secure and enjoyable experience for everyone. If you have any specific concerns or questions regarding health and safety, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We look forward to providing you with a memorable and safe experience with our amazing animals.